Getting Spiritual Warfare Right (Video)

Getting Spiritual Warfare Right Video by Pastor, Dr Erwin Lutzer

If your life isn’t being filled with the things of God, your ending may be worse than the beginning.

The spirit world is a place of great conflict and activity. It’s also a place of tremendous influence.

When Jesus was accused of casting out demons by the power of Satan, He gave His accusers a couple of things to think about. But more than that, we learn that we can’t get from darkness to light on our own. We need someone who is stronger than the prince of darkness to bring us into the light.

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warfare is a very real part of the Christian life, but should not be an opportunity for either fear or pride. Instead, the reality of Satan and his evil forces should cause us to draw near to God all the more, realising His power can conquer any foe we may encounter.

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